
December 7, 2021

Equal children play best!

Nordentic och Forstec i teknikutvecklingens centrum.  - Vår vision är att samla ihop den svenska tandteknikerkåren i det stora teknikskiftet som pågår just nu. Vi ser att enskilda, mindre labb, har svårt att hänga med i utvecklingen. Och här kan vi hjälpa till, säger Filip Truedsson, vd Nordentic.

September 30, 2021

Long-term development with high quality standards

We invest in new labs, long-term development and do not, for example, order materials from China. Therefore, we have chosen to work with Forstec Dental as a supplier. It makes me sleep well at night!

June 9, 2021

I-Bridge X opens up new opportunities

"With I-Bridge X it became clear that it is possible to attach fixtures in different directions in the structure and still achieve a good result" says Göran Esters, a dentist in Arvika. "Previously, it was sometimes difficult to install fixtures where the patient's bones allowed and the technician had to work under difficult conditions."

August 26, 2019

Investing in the best full-service lab in Boxholm, Sweden

In recent years, there has been an incredibly rapid development in our industry that requires major new investments and new skills in digital technology. For us dental technicians, this has meant that we have to relearn. And combine the traditional craftsmanship with CAD/CAM to achieve the best results, says Johan Kapusta, at Boxholm Dental.

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