Everything you need in digital dentistry.
Both for labs and clinics.

Forstec is the best choice for those who need goods and equipment for dental labs and dental clinics. With us you get the best conditions in the industry and access to the widest range of products from the most interesting manufacturers. And the best service!

For those who are interested in world-class Swedish CAD/CAM-produced prosthetics, there is our OpenMill production center.


11 februari
Vill du jobba som tandtekniker hos Forstec? LÄS MER >>>
17 december
Öppettider på Forstec och OpenMill LÄS MER >>>
10 december
Under julen 2024 stödjer vi kampen mot Barncancer LÄS MER >>>

Everything you need in digital dentistry.
Both for labs and clinics.

Forstec is the best choice for those who need goods and equipment for dental labs and dental clinics. With us you get the best conditions in the industry and access to the widest range of products from the most interesting manufacturers. And the best service!

For those who are interested in world-class Swedish CAD/CAM-produced prosthetics, there is our OpenMill production center.

Nyhet! Asiga Max 2

Vår favorit-printer i uppdaterad version. Max 2 är designad för dig som prioriterar detaljerad utskrift och konsekvent prestanda.

Denna 3D-printer integrerar banbrytande teknik med användarvänliga designfunktioner. Max 2 är byggd för effektivitet och erbjuder en strömlinjeformad utskriftsprocess som förbättrar produktiviteten i vilket labb som helst.

I-Bridge 11 hybrid

Letar du efter den ultimata lösningen för implantatbroar? I-Bridge 11 hybrid är här för att sätta en ny standard!

Tillverkad i Sverige hos OpenMill med en kombination av lasersmält och fräst CoCr, en hybrid med oslagbar passform och hållbarhet.

Campaign of the month

In this month's campaign, which you will receive by mail and on our website, you can take advantage of all our great offers and news. Here you will find different versions of this month's campaign for those who work in dental laboratories, dental clinics or dental laboratories in Denmark and Norway.

OpenMill - Scandinavia's largest production center

Forstec has everything you need for your digital flow. We are here for those who are interested in world-class Swedish CAD/CAM prosthetics. Order via file or send a model and we will manufacture on OpenMill.

Help when you need it

På vår serviceavdelning får du alltid snabb, säker och professionell service. Vi har stor erfarenhet av service och reparationer av dentala maskiner.

Forstec webshop

In Forstec's new webshop you will find a wide range of products for both dental technicians and clinics. Here you will find information about your invoices. Contact us if you want to know more!
